Chinstrap makes developers' lives easier by providing support for multiple contract compilations, tests, and origination on public and private Tezos networks.
Backed by Tezos Foundation Grant 🎉
Flextesa Sandbox
Local sandbox to develop and test contracts
Multi-language support
Supports writing contracts in SmartPy, JsLIGO, CameLIGO, PascaLIGO and ReasonLIGO
Testing Your Contracts
Supports scripting and testing in Ligo, Python(SmartPy/PyTest) and JsLIGO, CameLIGO, PascaLIGO and ReasonLIGO
Deploy with confidence
Scriptable origination management for deploying to many public & private networks
Build like the best
End-to-end build cycle support for creation, compilation, testing, and origination of Smart Contracts