You can get list of sub-commands supported by Chinstrap by running:
โ chinstrap -h
_ _ _
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/ __| '_ \| | '_ \/ __| __| '__/ _` | '_ \
| (__| | | | | | | \__ \ |_| | | (_| | |_) |
\___|_| |_|_|_| |_|___/\__|_| \__,_| .__/
๐ง Chinstrap - a cute framework for developing Tezos Smart Contracts!
usage: chinstrap [-h]
positional arguments:
init Initialize a new Chinstrap project
config Verify Chinstrap configuration
networks List currently available test networks
compile Compile contract source files
install Helper to install compilers
create Helper to create new contracts, originations
and tests
templates Download templates provided by SmartPy and
test Run pytest/smartpy/ligo tests
sandbox Start a Tezos local sandbox
develop Open an interactive console for Tezos
originate Run originations and deploy contracts
account Tezos account
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Chinstrap provides the option to install the compilers to local machines or in Docker. By default, Chinstrap prefers to use Docker images to keep the local system clean.
โ chinstrap install -h
_ _ _
___| |__ (_)_ __ ___| |_ _ __ __ _ _ __
/ __| '_ \| | '_ \/ __| __| '__/ _` | '_ \
| (__| | | | | | | \__ \ |_| | | (_| | |_) |
\___|_| |_|_|_| |_|___/\__|_| \__,_| .__/
๐ง Chinstrap - a cute framework for developing Tezos Smart Contracts!
usage: chinstrap install [-h] [-f] [-l] [-c {all,smartpy,ligo}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --force Force update compilers
-l, --local Install on local machine. If not specified, Docker is used
-c {all,smartpy,ligo}, --compiler {all,smartpy,ligo}
Installs selected compilers
Please make sure Docker is running before running chinstrap install
โ chinstrap install
_ _ _
___| |__ (_)_ __ ___| |_ _ __ __ _ _ __
/ __| '_ \| | '_ \/ __| __| '__/ _` | '_ \
| (__| | | | | | | \__ \ |_| | | (_| | |_) |
\___|_| |_|_|_| |_|___/\__|_| \__,_| .__/
๐ง Chinstrap - a cute framework for developing Tezos Smart Contracts!
๐ Ligo installed
๐ SmartPy installed
Chinstrap provides a sub-command to initialize flextesa sandbox for local development.
โ chinstrap sandbox -i
_ _ _
___| |__ (_)_ __ ___| |_ _ __ __ _ _ __
/ __| '_ \| | '_ \/ __| __| '__/ _` | '_ \
| (__| | | | | | | \__ \ |_| | | (_| | |_) |
\___|_| |_|_|_| |_|___/\__|_| \__,_| .__/
๐ง Chinstrap - a cute framework for developing Tezos Smart Contracts!
โ Flextesa sandbox ready to use
Initializing a Chinstrap projectโ
Chinstrap provides a sub-command to initialize a new Chinstrap project.
โ mkdir tezos-example
โ cd tezos-example
โ chinstrap init
_ _ _
___| |__ (_)_ __ ___| |_ _ __ __ _ _ __
/ __| '_ \| | '_ \/ __| __| '__/ _` | '_ \
| (__| | | | | | | \__ \ |_| | | (_| | |_) |
\___|_| |_|_|_| |_|___/\__|_| \__,_| .__/
๐ง Chinstrap - a cute framework for developing Tezos Smart Contracts!
Done. Happy coding ๐ง
Project Structure overviewโ
โ tree
โโโ chinstrap-config.yml
โโโ contracts
โย ย โโโ
โโโ originations
โย ย โโโ
โโโ tests
3 directories, 5 files
- contracts: the folder containing all the LIGO/SmartPy smart contracts that Chinstrap has to compile.
- originations: the folder containing the Chinstrap origination/deployment scripts for the deployment of the contracts.
- test: the folder containing Javascript tests
- chinstrap-config.yaml: the configuration file which defines networks and accounts to be used for the deployment.
Configuring Chinstrapโ
Chinstrap configuration file is a yaml file, that tells chinstrap, which account and network to use for origination, which compiler to use for compilation and testing.
A minimal configuration file looks like this:
host: http://localhost:12345
- privateKeyFile: ./.secret
lang: smartpy
test: smartpy
The above configuration file tells Chinstrap that we are building contracts using SmartPy, and we are writing tests in SmartPy. It also specifies development
as the network to use and specifies the privateKeyFile to use to originate.
Configuring Chinstrap compilerโ
Supported options for lang
- smartpy
- cameligo
- pascaligo
- reasonligo
- jsligo
Supported options for test
- smartpy
- pytest
- smartpy
- cameligo
- pascaligo
- reasonligo
- jsligo
Configuring Chinstrap networkโ
The network configuration in Chinstrap is added under the network
option. Some networks are already defined: hangzhounet, ithacanet, mainnet, and development. However, as the Tezos protocol constantly evolving, new networks will have to be added to the configuration.
Each network requires:
- host: An RPC node ( or a local node (as shown in the development network).
- accounts: A lsit of files that contains private key of accounts to be used for origination. First account from the list is used for originations.
# Networks define how Chinstrap connect to Tezos.
host: http://localhost:20000
# You need to configure accounts with private key,
# to sign your transactions before they're sent to a remote public node
- privateKeyFile: ./.secret
# hangzhounet:
# host:
# accounts:
# - privateKeyFile: ./.secret
# ithacanet:
# host:
# accounts:
# - privateKeyFile: ./.secret
# mainnet:
# host:
# accounts:
# - privateKeyFile: ./.secret
# Compiler configuration
# lang: smartpy, cameligo, pascaligo, reasonligo, jsligo
lang: smartpy
# test: smartpy, pytest, smartpy, cameligo, pascaligo, reasonligo, jsligo
test: smartpy